Darkorbit Mmo

Darkorbit Mmo Rating: 4,1/5 1983 reviews

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DarkOrbitは、究極のスペースシューティングゲームです。 史上最高の最もエキサイティングなオンラインゲームで、果てしなく広がる宇宙へ冒険の旅に出ましょう。 あなた一人で、またはチームで、どんな危険にも勇敢に立ち向かい、前人未踏の地へと踏み出すのです。未開の銀河への道を.

The space-combat MMO which became a cult phenomenon.

Mount and blade cheats. DarkOrbit Reloaded is a space-combat MMO where players can explore vast & alien territories to gather valuable resources, form clans to control sectors and ultimately have giant interstellar battles and raids.

Following on from the success of Seafight, DarkOrbit became something of a cult phenomenon and a conservative estimate would suggest that some of our players have spent more than 5000 hours playing it. Now reinvented as DarkOrbit Reloaded, it has been brought into the here and now with features such as the UBA leagues and, of course, it is now in 3D!

Dark Orbit Reloaded underwent a wave of bot-banning which, although not necessarily the most profitable course of action, resulted in a huge increase in how fair the game is for our players.


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