Flightgear Airports

Flightgear Airports Rating: 3,7/5 4386 reviews

2019-7-22  至于这三个参数怎么来的,可以在 FlightGeardataSceneryAirports 文件夹内查到需要知道的指定机场指定跑道的入口处的经纬度、 海拔及朝向信息,比如本示例中选择 KSFO 机场 10L跑道的入口处作为飞行仿真的原点, 可以在FlightGeardataScenery. FlightGear FGMEMBERS Statement (v2.2): Preface. What you see today as FlightGear is the result of 20 years of collaborative development effort by hundreds of talented people all working together to provide a freely available GPL flight simulator that anyone can contribute to.

On the next screen, tap a talent icon and hit the unlock button. Identity v game characters

Modeled airport

This is the list of Belgian airports that are actually improved in this scenery.

We are currently busy working on to document this scenery. The list here is the list of improved airports i made :)

  • EBAL - Aalst Hospital helistrip. (Comming soon) (Blender draft model only)
  • EBAV - Avernas (100% done)
  • EBAW - Antwerp Deurne (60% done - Basic textures)
  • EBBE - Bauchevain (40% done - Only placed my generic hangar bunker but that fill up a lot of blanc spaces on this airbase).
  • EBBL - Kleine-Brogel (98% done)
  • EBBR - Brussels Airport (75% done - Bloatware region - Also look to all these buildings in Brussels and landmark).
  • EBBY - Baisy-Thy (100% done)
  • EBBZ - Buzet (100% done)
  • EBCF - Cerfontaine (100% done)
  • EBCI - Brussels South (Charleroi) (40% done - very basic texturing)
  • EBFN - Koksijde (25% done - Base blocs only)
  • EBEU - Heliport on top of the building (90% done)
  • EBFS - Florennes (25% done - Base blocs only)
  • EBGB - Grimbergen (100% done)
  • EBGG - Geraarsbergen Overboelare (Airport layout only - TaxiDraw)
  • EBLE - Sanicole (Airport layout only - TaxiDraw)
  • EBLN - Liernu (Airport layout only - TaxiDraw)
  • EBOS - Oostende (80% done)
  • EBSG - St. Ghislain (100% done)
  • EBSL - Zutendaal (Airport layout only - TaxiDraw)
  • EBSP - Spa (Airport layout only - TaxiDraw)
  • EBSW - Sint-Pieters-Leeuw (Heliport) (100% done)
  • EBTY - Tournai Maubray (100% done)
  • EBZH - Kiewit (base blocs only)
  • EBZW - Zwartberg (Airport layout only - TaxiDraw)


  • Brussels
  • Le Lac de l'eau de l'heure.

Not yet developed.

  • EBME - Heliport
  • EBUB - Heliport
  • EBUG - Heliport
  • EBVU - Heliport

--lat=50.841998 --lon=4.382298 --altitude=342.81 --heading=179.0

FlightGear Flight Simulator - Custom Belgian scenery by David Van Mosselbeen

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OutputFileNameSpecify the name of the output file. The file name is the nameof the command you will use to start FlightGear with these initialparameters. The default value is 'runfg.bat'.FlightGearBaseDirectorySpecify the name of your FlightGear installation folder. The default value is'C:ApplicationsFlightGear'.GeometryModelNameSpecify the name of the folder containing the desired modelgeometry in the FlightGear dataAircraft folder.The default value is 'HL20'.DestinationIpAddressSpecify your destination IP address. The default value is ''.DestinationPortSpecify your network flight dynamics model (fdm) port. Thisdestination port should be an unused port that you can use when youlaunch FlightGear.

The default value is '5502'.AirportIdSpecify the airport ID. The list of supported airports is availablein the FlightGear interface, under Location.The default value is 'KSFO'.RunwayIdSpecify the runway ID. The default value is '10L'.InitialAltitudeSpecify the initial altitude of the aircraft, in feet. Thedefault value is 7224 feet.InitialHeadingSpecify the initial heading of the aircraft, in degrees. Thedefault value is 113 degrees.OffsetDistanceSpecify the offset distance of the aircraft from the airport,in miles. The default value is 4.72 miles.OffsetAzimuthSpecify the offset azimuth of the aircraft, in degrees.

Thedefault value is 0 degrees.InstallSceneryDirect FlightGear to automatically install required scenery while thesimulator is running. This property requires a steady Internetconnection. For Windows ® systems, you may encounter an error message whilelaunching FlightGear with this option enabled.

For more information, see.DisableShadersDisable FlightGear shader options. Your computer built-in video card,such as NVIDIA ® cards, can conflict with FlightGear shaders. Considerusing this property if you have this conflict.FlightGearVersionSpecify the version of your FlightGear installation. The default is2019.1.ArchitectureSpecify the architecture on which the FlightGear software isrunning.ExamplesCreate a run script, runfg.bat, to startFlightGear flight simulator using the default object settings.