Ghost Squad Tv Series
The Ghost Squad books are a young adult series of books by E.W. They follow the eponymous Ghost Squad, which consists of four ghosts: Danny Green, Carlos Gomez, Joe Armstrong, and Karen Hansen, and their two living friends: Wacko Williams and Buzz Phillips.
Series Directed by.(3 episodes, 2005).(2 episodes, 2005).(2 episodes, 2005)Series Writing Credits.(creator) (7 episodes, 2005).(1 episode, 2005).(1 episode, 2005).(1 episode, 2005)SeriesCast.Detective Superintendent Carole McKay.Pete Maitland.Deputy Asst. Commissioner Robert Townsend.Cid officer.Arresting Officer.Agent Kate Russo.Inspector Morris.Gemma.PC Terry Dewhurst.DS Tony Sharpe.Natalie.Khan.Tony Stevens.Sergeant Ralph Allan.Eddy Harding.PC Ben Barnie.Barry Mills.Fat Bob.Elaine Gooch.DS Jimmy Franks.Keiran.Brooke.DC Dave Jones.Charlie.Dave.DI Hoyle.Martin Gooch.Jenny.Stuart.Sally Marshall.Kay.Ian Sinclair.DCI James.PC Gary Lockhart.Dee.DI Gus Philips.Billy.D.I.
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Original Air Date: November 15, 2005The Ghost Squad is a 2005 British crime drama series that was produced by the British production company, 'Company Pictures', for Channel 4 filmed at various locations in the United Kingdom. The shows concept was created by Tom Grieves and was based on the real life Ghost Squad that existed between 1994 and 1998. It stars Elaine Cassidy and Jonas Armstrong who star as Amy Harris and Pete Maitland respectively.
The premise of the show is that there is an undercover police squad which investigates police for possible corruption. There were only seven episodes produced.less.