Hotel Dusk Room 215 Mila
Background (Hotel Dusk: Room 215). Artwork of Mila in Hotel Dusk: Room 215. Home, Hotel Dusk, Los Angeles (lived there for one day) Seattle, Washington. Job, Art Student.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Walkthrough Chapter 9 December 29th, 1979 12:00-2:00 AM Chap019Apples To Apples-Walk away from the phone and Hyde will notice the apple paintingon the wall. Examine the painting closer and you'll move intoa mini game.
You are looking for a letter in the painting. Itslocated on the second apple from the left 'Y'. Hyde writes itdown in his notebook. Go to room 217 and check the painting inthere.
Look all the way on the left side of the painting foran 'N'. The next painting will be in the hallway across from thestairs. An 'E' will be in the top right corner. Head downstairsand walk to the end of the hall past the restaurant for thefourth painting. You can find an 'N' and the middle apple.Hyde will wonder where to find the fifth apple painting.Lets Raid The Cellar!-Walk into the lobby to find Louie. Once again you'll have to fillLouie in on the current events, but this time Louie has informationof his own. You can ask Louie about the last apple painting, but hewon't know where it is.
Ask about the old key. Louie says it goesto the wine cellar. Louie's thinking what I'm thinking, but Hyde'snot thinking what we're thinking so.oh wait.I just confusedmyself.
Anyway, ask about Grace next. Unfortunately, there are nologs for more than a year ago so its impossible for Louie to findout using the files. Louie says to meet him at the cellar at 1:00.Dunning interrupts and tells Louie to get back to the bar. Dunningtakes off soon after and the time changes to 12:20.Holy Crap She's Talking-Head over to Rosa's room.
She'll ask if you've found anything outabout Mila's father. Hyde is smart with her. Ask about the applepainting. She'll mention the fifth is in the special room. Askher about that room.
Its the room you've walked by many times sofar. Room 111 in the lobby. Rosa leaves to get the key to theroom.
Mila will go with you when you leave. DO NOT WALK INTO THELOBBY FROM THE RIGHT HALLWAY.
Dunning will be there and throw youout of the hotel when he sees you with Mila and you'll get a gameover. Walk up the back stairs in the right hallway and then downthe normal stairs to the central hallway. Walk into the lobbyfrom there and you won't get caught. Let yourself into room 111.Rosa tells you the painting is in the back.
Walk through theback door and the painting will be on the wall next to the bed.You can find a 'J' just to the bottom left of the apple. Now thatyou have all of the letters you'll start a mini game to determinewhat they mean. They spell out Jenny so touch the letters in theorder to spell J-E-N-N-Y. Walk back to the other room. Rosascreams because Mila is on the floor.
Rosa tells you to helpher and you'll start a mini game. This one is like flipping thepuzzle.
Close and open the DS to put your face next to her's andrevive her. Not only does Mila wake up, but the girl can nowtalk! Hyde had the same reaction as I did. You'll have a lot ofquestions to ask her so just go down the list and read along.The Other Hyde-After playing 20 questions with Mila, her and Rosa will head backto Rosa's room. Leave the room and Kevin will be waiting foryou. He'll ask if you were in 111 with Mila. Stop him and askif he knows Mila and then ask how he knows her.
She was apatient at his hospital. Ask why she was there.Mila was in a coma for 10 years! It's kinda like that moviewhere the 13 year old turns 30.
He'll say they tried to contacther family, but had trouble. Stop him and ask if he knew herfamily. Her father visited her every month until she woke upand he paid all of the bills in advance. After this, Kevinreveals some stunning information. He says the hospital gota visitor by the name of Kyle Hyde.
Kevin takes off after that.Hotel Dusk-Your pager goes off while you think about Bradley and the timechanges to 12:40. Go upstairs to your room and call Ed. Thistime its Ed that answers and not Rachel. She finally got to gohome. Ed drops an atom bomb on you this time.
You learn thatRobert Evans bought a little place called.Hotel Dusk! He is the one who sold it to Dunning.
Live moss. Prevention involves making sure the pavement is receiving direct sunlight. You may have to trim some tree branches to accomplish this.
Ed tells youthat you might want to get ready for a bad surprise and someoneknocks at the door. You hang up with Ed when he hears you havea visitor. Rosa is at the door and she's panicked. She saysthat Dunning came and took her, but she hasn't returned yet.Hyde tells Rosa to wait in her room while you go find them.Find Dunning-Head for Dunning's room. Try to knock and Louie shows up.Hyde tells him to check the wine cellar while you look inDunning's room. No one is inside. Walk into Dunning'sbedroom and examine his desk.
Check the brochure to obtain it.Next, check the newspaper that was under the brochure toget it. Examine the top desk drawer to find a lot ofbirthday cards in it. Leave Dunning's Room and head for thepantry. It's the room that's connected to the kitchen.Examine the white door in the back corner of the room.End Chapter 9 Sequence-Kyle's mentalness comes a lot quicker this time.
Uponexaming the door he'll start to think. Here's youranswers. The last second floor painting is found in'Room 217.' They spelled out the name 'Jenny.' When Mila first came to the hotel she was 'Nine yearsold.'
The name of the hospital was 'Robbins.' The thingyou found in his desk drawer was 'Birthday Cards.' Hyde is prepared to find something he doesn't want toin the hotel and heads for the cellar.Nap Time-THe first thing you see in the cellar is Louie on the ground.Try to wake him and you'll be knocked out. Save your game andthe chapter ends.End Chapter 9Walkthrough.
Part 57: Looking Out for MilaWhat makes him off-kilter?Why does he seem off-kilter?Sometimes when I call him? He don't react!'
Doesn't react? He ignores you?I ain't exactly sure, but. I'll talk to him, and it's like he don't hear me. Gotta say his name'a few times 'fore he pays attention.
And he's all bent outta shape 'bout his stuff bein' stolen, right? But he don't seem upset in the right way. More like it's an act. And all this business 'bout searchin' everyone's stuff? Had enough'a that!You think he's lying?I dunno.
But I don't wanna call no cops! I hate cops!What are you going to do?Gonna think things over for an hour is what I'm gonna do!One hour exactly? You got a show to watch or something?I'm a punctual man! Anyway, I'm gonna give it an hour, then hear his story again.
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Then I'll decide whether or not t'call the police.Dunning finishes talking and slouches off.Rosa will now appear in front of her room.Oh, Mr. What good timing you have!I was hoping you'd come along, and here you are!Something happen?It's Mila.
She's not feeling very well, poor thing!She's running a fever!How bad?She seems tired, but I think that's the worst of it. At least for now. I'm going to run to the front desk and get some medicine.Do me a favor. Go to my room and watch her until I get back. I'll be back in a jiffy!Sure.Yeah, OK. Why not.Thank you, Mr. Hyde!I'll be back before you know it!
Just you wait!Rosa finishes talking and scuttles away.We can visit Rosa in the front desk.Mr. Hyde, will you please go and stay with Mila? Hurry up, will you? Come on, now!All right.Fine.KnobHey.And now we have to wake her up. Kyle just won't let her rest.Rosa's gone to get you some medicine. Take it easy, OK?
Meeting all these new people tired you out, didn't it?(Yes)Since Mila can't speak, just imagine (Yes) as nodding and (No) as shaking her head.Thought so.So, hey. I got something I need to ask you.Can you tell me something about your bracelet? Was it a present?(Yes)Yeah? Who gave it to you?Can't tell me, huh?(Great. Now what?)(Wait a second.)Mila, can you write?(Yes)Here.
Write down the name of the person who gave you the bracelet.Write it here.I open my notebook and give it to Mila. She writes something in the notebook.Huh?Show hotel brochureShow old photoWhat's wrong?Show lipstickYou want this lipstick?(No)Not your color, huh?(Yes)Show othersEvery time Mila writes on the notebook we have to break to the question screen and tap the notebook icon to read it. It's kinda annoying but still better than the phone.You got the bracelet from your father?What's his name?Here, write it down.I open my notebook and give it to Mila. She writes something in the notebook.Hmm.Your father's name is Robert Evans? All right.So what's your father do?
Where does he live?Here. Write it down for me.What's wrong?You don't want to tell me?Oh, it's you.Thank you for coming, Mr. I'll take over now. Good.We're in the middle of a conversation.Well, it'll have to wait!
Mila's tired. Finish up later, all right? Now skedaddle!Fine.And we're kicked out.Huh. Look who's there. Let's get closer.Music stopsWhat ya doin' here?Lemme tell ya somethin', Mr.
I see no reason for ya to be wanderin' the halls like some kinda spook.Ya keep sneakin' around, and I'm gonna get suspicious! Why don't ya go on back to yer room and sit still for a bit.Dunning turns and goes into the room.Will do!After we get to our room, there's a knock.What is it, squirt?Um. Can you help me?With what?Spoiler: Melissa is actually anYou have wings?No, my doll. I ripped one of the wings on my doll.Oh.
That makes more sense.C'mon, kid. Get your old man to fix it.He can't sew.
He's a man.Yeah, whatever. Summer said to ask you. He said you could fix it, so can you fix it? Please?Summer told you I could fix it?Uh-huh. He said you're a salesman and have gadgets and stuff like that.He said a buncha other stuff, too, but I didn't understand them. And then he kept talking and I got bored.
He smells weird. But he said that you had something that could fix my doll.Summer, you two-bit con artist.What's a con artist?Can't believe anyone would think I could sew.Can you guys figure out how to sew Melissa's doll? What can we use to do it?