Mouse Trap Instructions

Mouse Trap Instructions Rating: 5,0/5 7326 reviews
Written by Hunker Team; Updated July 21, 2017

Here’s how to use a Victor Easy Set Mouse trap properly: Remove the clip that secures the kill bar to the rest of the trip. Position the arm bar so it is hanging over the back of the trap. Bait the trap properly using rodent pellets. Pull the kill bar back with your thumb, being careful not to. Mousetrap is a classic board game that has been enjoyed by kids (and the young at heart) for many years. This game, manufactured by Milton Bradley, provides players with hands=on interactive fun as they try to trap the other player’s mouse by building their own mousetrap.

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Things You Will Need

  • Mouse trap

  • Dollop of peanut butter

  • Thick, protective gloves

How to Set a Mouse Trap. Mice are a common problem in many American homes. They range in size from 3 to 14 inches from their pointed snouts to the ends of their long, hairless tails. Mice are hearty pests because they are omnivores--creatures who eat almost any type of food. You can get rid of a mouse by setting a standard trap consisting of a snap bar that kills the mouse by force.

Cool powerups and goodies, like new skins for your car, can be found in the craziest places, like some narrow dead-end back alley or underneath some bridge. Midtown This is basically a re-application of the 'hideouts' seen in the 'Cops & Robbers' multiplayer mode which, by the way, is making its triumphant return in.Full details on the potential online multiplayer component of Midtown Madness 3 will have to wait until reveals more about Xbox Live. Checkpoint is more or less a race though the city but you have to follow the prescribed course by hitting a series of checkpoints in order.Cruise is Midtown Madness' version of free ride, but for MM3 there will be added incentive to explore Washington and Paris.

  1. Remove the staple that holds the locking bar in place during shipment. The 'locking bar' is the long, metal pin that holds back the spring-loaded, 'U'-shaped snap bow.

  2. Add bait inside and on top of the bait pedal--the curled, metal piece opposite the snap bow when the trap is ultimately set. The best bait is a dollop of peanut butter.

  3. Pull the snap bow backwards and hold it securely with your thumb. With the other hand, pull back the locking bar and hook its curved end underneath the 'U' or 'V'-shaped metal loop sticking out from one end of the trap.

  4. Place the trap perpendicular to a corner wall with the bait pedal facing the wall. Since mice are generally nocturnal, it's best to set the trap in the evening and leave it overnight.

  5. Wait for the trap to go off and then check it for a mouse. If there is a dead mouse in your trap, remove it using thick, protective gloves. Discard of the mouse in a doubled-up plastic bag ultimately put in an outdoor garbage can. Irunnershoes. Reset the trap if necessary.

  6. Tip

    Snap traps like those discussed above are not preventative. You may have to set one trap multiple times or set several traps at one time to fully rid your home of mice. Set traps in rooms where you have seen mice or their droppings. Kitchens and bathrooms are common mouse hang-outs.


    When completing Step 3, keep the snap bow pulled back with your thumb until the locking bar fully engages or you could badly injure yourself when the snap bow releases on your hand. Disposing of a mouse caught in a snap trap is often messy and frequently includes blood. Further, a trapped mouse may not die immediately. Consider using an alternative method of catching mice if you are squeamish by the thought of these possibilities. Set your mouse traps in areas where pets or children cannot access them. Additionally, do not walk barefoot in areas where you've set traps or you could injure your toes.

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Team, Hunker. 'How to Set a Mouse Trap.' Home Guides SF Gate, 21 July 2017.
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Components. 106 U-BUILD Bricks. 4 Mouse Marbles. 1 Trap Part.

1 Space Boot Part. 1 Die.

1 Gameboard. 4 Small Cardboard Cheese Hills. 1 Large Cardboard Cheese Mountain. 1 Label Sheet. Assembly Guide. 8 WallsSetup.Follow the instructions in the separate assembly guide to build your game before you start playing!.Pick a color: green, red, blue or white. Sit closest to that color cheese plate.

Take your matching color mouse marble and spaceship. Place the spaceship on either of your color landing circles.Place your mouse on top of your spaceship. All other players do the same.Your mouse stays in its section of the gameboard unless a roll of the die directs you to move it.Place the Space Boot and the Trap near the gameboard.Object of the GameIt's a cheese race in space - on the moon! Collect cheese bricks by knocking them over when you launch your mouse off the large Cheese Mountain or the Cheese Hills. Any time you knock over a cheese brick put it on your color cheese plate - it's yours to keep.The first player to collect 10 cheese bricks on their cheese plate is the cheese champ!Game PlayYoungest player goes first.

Play passes to the left.On each turn, do the following:. Roll the die and follow its directions. Launch your mouse. Collect any cheese bricks you knock over.

Return your mouse to its spaceship1. Roll The DieIf you roll the cheese brick, move any cheese brick to any cheese space. Yes, you can stack cheese on cheese. Now LAUNCH YOUR MOUSE.If you roll the spaceship, you may fly your mouse & spaceship to any other landing circle, anywhere on the gameboard. Stay in this area until you roll another spaceship.

Now LAUNCH YOUR MOUSE.If you roll the Trap, place the Trap over any other player's mouse. If it's already trapping someone, you may leave it there or move it onto someone else! Now LAUNCH YOUR MOUSE.Hey! What happens when my mouse is trapped?If - on your turn - you're trapped, you still roll the die!.If you roll the Trap, follow the directions above.If you don't roll the Trap, you can remove the Trap from your mouse and place the Trap off to the side, but you cannot do anything else. Your turn is over.If you roll Cheese Mountain, you will get extra launch options! See the gray boxed section under LAUNCH YOUR MOUSE.2.

Launch Your MouseIt's time to go for the cheese!Remove your mouse from its spaceship and place it on the orange top of the small Cheese Hill closest to your spaceship (or the top of Cheese Mountain if you rolled that on the die).Use the Space Boot to launch your mouse off the orange top. Figure 1 shows a couple of ways to use the Space Boot, or you can come up with your own!

If you miss the mouse, keep trying until you successfully 'boot' your mouse off the hill.If you were lucky enough to have rolled Cheese Mountain, you have two places you can launch your mouse from! You can either:. 'boot' your mouse off the top of Cheese Mountain (as described above) OR. rotate the mountain & roll your mouse down the slide (as shown here).3. Collecting CheeseAny cheese bricks that your mouse knocks out of their holes are yours to keep! Put the cheese bricks on your cheese plate and place your mouse back on its spaceship. It's the next player's turn.Even if a cheese brick is only partway out of a hole, you still keep it.If you collect a stack of cheese, count each cheese brick separately (so a stack of 2 cheese bricks would give you 2 out of the 10 you need to win).

The size of each individual cheese brick does not matter; in this game, all cheese is created equal.Any cheese bricks on your plate are yours to keep. No one can collect cheese bricks on your cheese plate.If your mouse knocks any other mice off of their spaceships, you get to collect any cheese bricks those mice knocked over. Return the mice to their spaceships.If you knock over any piece of Cheese Mountain or a Cheese Hill, return it to where it was.End of the GameIf you're the first player to collect 10 cheese bricks, you win! Gouda job!Change Your Game Love to play but want to change things up?Want more ideas?

You got it!.For very hungry mice, play until ALL the cheese bricks have been collected.