Star Citizen Review

Star Citizen Review Rating: 5,0/5 6300 reviews

Star Citizen has been a phenomenon ever since it became the most funded Kickstarter game of all time. Billionaire arrested for child trafficking. As we all sit around and wait for the game's official launch, what exactly has the game.

Setting aside the persistent charges of feature creep and the question of whether or not Chris Roberts has gotten himself trapped in a Tholian Web of ever-tightening stretch goals, we concentrate instead on what really matters – what Star Citizen is like to play in its current form. After all, in spite of a protracted development that has recently attracted a series of attacks from perennial industry bittervet Derek Smart, a significant portion of the mega-crowdfunded space game has been available to play for more than a year now.

That portion, dubbed Arena Commander, is to the future Star Citizen what the early alpha phase of development was to a nascent Elite: Dangerous.