The Mandate

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・Some states mandate a type of temporary disability benefit for employees.: 州の中には雇用者〔雇われる人〕のためのある種の一時的障害者手当を義務付けている州もある。・Use of this software is mandated by management.

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2. A command or authorization given by a political electorate to the winner of an election.
a. A commission from the League of Nations authorizing a member nation to administer a territory.
4. Law The specific directive issued by a reviewing court to a lower court, as in requiring the lower court to enter a new judgment or to conduct further proceedings consistent with the reviewing court's ruling.·dat·ed, man·dat·ing, man·dates
1. To assign (a colony or territory) to a specified nation under a mandate of the League of Nations.
2. To make mandatory, as by law; decree or require: mandated desegregation of public schools.
[Latin mandātum, from neuter past participle of mandāre, to order; see man- in Indo-European roots.]


1. an official or authoritative instruction or command
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) politics the support or commission given to a government and its policies or an elected representative and his policies through an electoral victory
3. (Historical Terms) (often capital) Also called: mandated territory (formerly) any of the territories under the trusteeship of the League of Nations administered by one of its member states
4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (often capital) Also called: mandated territory (formerly) any of the territories under the trusteeship of the League of Nations administered by one of its member states
5. (Law)
a. Roman law a contract by which one person commissions another to act for him gratuitously and the other accepts the commission
b. contract law a contract of bailment under which the party entrusted with goods undertakes to perform gratuitously some service in respect of such goods
c. Scots law a contract by which a person is engaged to act in the management of the affairs of another
vb (tr)
6. (Law) international law to assign (territory) to a nation under a mandate
8. obsolete to give a command to
[C16: from Latin mandātum something commanded, from mandāre to command, perhaps from manus hand + dāre to give]


(ˈmæn deɪt)
n., v. -dat•ed, -dat•ing.n.
1. a command or authorization to act in a particular way given by the electorate to its representative.
2. any authoritative order or command: a royal mandate.
3. (in the League of Nations) a commission given to a nation to administer the government and affairs of a former Turkish territory or German colony.
5. a command from a superior court or official to a lower one.
6. to authorize or decree (a particular action).
8. to consign (a territory) under a mandate.
[1540–50; < Latin mandātum, from mandāre to give as a commission, literally, to hand over]


Past participle: mandated
Gerund: mandating
I mandate
you mandate
he/she/it mandates
we mandate
you mandate
they mandate
I mandated
you mandated
he/she/it mandated
we mandated
you mandated
they mandated
Present Continuous
I am mandating
you are mandating
he/she/it is mandating
we are mandating
you are mandating
they are mandating
Present Perfect
I have mandated
you have mandated
he/she/it has mandated
we have mandated
you have mandated
they have mandated
Past Continuous
I was mandating
you were mandating
he/she/it was mandating
we were mandating
you were mandating
they were mandating
Past Perfect
I had mandated
you had mandated
he/she/it had mandated
we had mandated
you had mandated
they had mandated
I will mandate
you will mandate
he/she/it will mandate
we will mandate
you will mandate
they will mandate
Future Perfect
I will have mandated
you will have mandated
he/she/it will have mandated
we will have mandated
you will have mandated
they will have mandated
Future Continuous
I will be mandating
you will be mandating
he/she/it will be mandating
we will be mandating
you will be mandating
they will be mandating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been mandating
you have been mandating
he/she/it has been mandating
we have been mandating
you have been mandating
they have been mandating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been mandating
you will have been mandating
he/she/it will have been mandating
we will have been mandating
you will have been mandating
they will have been mandating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been mandating
you had been mandating
he/she/it had been mandating
we had been mandating
you had been mandating
they had been mandating
I would mandate
you would mandate
he/she/it would mandate
we would mandate
you would mandate
they would mandate
Past Conditional
I would have mandated
you would have mandated
he/she/it would have mandated
we would have mandated
you would have mandated
they would have mandated
Noun1.mandate - a document giving an official instruction or command
authorisation, authorization
legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument - (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right
law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; 'civilization presupposes respect for the law'; 'the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order'
2.mandate - a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves
district, territorial dominion, territory, dominion - a region marked off for administrative or other purposes
3.mandate - the commission that is given to a government and its policies through an electoral victory
commissioning, commission - the act of granting authority to undertake certain functions
political science, politics, government - the study of government of states and other political units
Verb1.mandate - assign under a mandate; 'mandate a colony'
assign, delegate, designate, depute - give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
2.mandate - make mandatory; 'the new director of the school board mandated regular tests'
dictate, prescribe, order - issue commands or orders for
3.mandate - assign authority to
assign, delegate, designate, depute - give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)


nouncommand, order, charge, authority, commission, sanction, instruction, warrant, decree, bidding, canon, directive, injunction, fiat, edict, authorization, preceptThe union already has a mandate to ballot for a strike.


noun1. An authoritative indication to be obeyed:
behest, bidding, charge, command, commandment, dictate, direction, directive, injunction, instruction (often used in plural), order, word.
2. Conferred power:
Law: competence, competency.


1. (= authority) → mandatom
the UN troops have no mandate to intervene in the fightinglas tropasde laONU no tienenmandato para interveniren elconflicto
he does not have a mandate to rule this countrycarece de autoridad para gobernar este país
1. (= authorize) [+ person] → encomendar, encargar; [+ elections] → autorizar
3. (US) (= make mandatory) → exigir


to give sb a mandate → donnermandat à qn
to be given a mandate to do sth → être mandaté(e) pour faire qch
to be mandated to do sth → être mandaté(e) pour faire qch


nAuftragm; (Pol) → Mandatnt; (= territory)Mandat(sgebiet)nt; to give somebody a mandate to do somethingjdm den Auftraggebenorjdn damit beauftragen, etw zu tun; we have a clear mandate from the country to …wir haben den eindeutigenWählerauftrag, zu …
vtto mandate a territory to somebodyein GebietjdsVerwaltung(dat)unterstellen, ein Gebiet als Mandat an jdnvergeben

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