Warriors Orochi 2 Taigong Wang

The first ghost story I seriously researched back in 9192 and actually found the history. Little monsters movie. Given no acceptions, our doors will close at 4AM.➡️ AGE RESTRICTION: No children younger than 16 will be allowed to participate within a paranormal investigation (this age is not the same restriction for flash light or historical tours). Therefore, we will have to enforce a strict closing time. The short version: In 1848 in Jacob Yargus was arrested in Busenbark and taken to jail in Hamilton for threatening his wife and 3 kids. Children age 16 and 17 most be accompanied by a parent or guardian during the investigation.
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Yes, even in a series with not one, but TWOWorlds of Ham fighting each other in physics-defying yet completely awesome ways, there are still some gentler moments to be found.
- A blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, but early 3, when Sima Zhao rescues Wang Yuanji, she, for a brief moment, displays a face of joy upon seeing him. And some of their dialogue when the other is not around does show that they care about each other.
- At the end of Chapter 1 in Warriors Orochi 3, all the gathered heroes are transported back to their camp, and have just a few moments to relax from all of the hard battles they've been fighting. During this, Taigong Wang gives a little speech to Kaguya (who are both essentially demigods in this series) about how fond he's become of humans; it's incredibly inspiring.
- Taigong Wang: Aren't humans the strangest things? Although they appear fragile from the outside, they are actually quite strong.They keep getting back up no matter how many times they've been knocked down. I strongly believe..The heroes of the human realm will manage to defeat the Hydra.
- Another one from 3: if you get Zhuge Dan and Zhuge Liang to talk in camp, this conversation takes place:
- Zhuge Dan: Master Zhuge Liang, I am a talentless dog..I have dirtied the name of our clan..Zhuge Liang: Dragons and tigers obey no one, yet dogs are forever loyal.Zhuge Liang: If you are a dog, Zhuge Dan, then you are the pride of our clan. There's nothing to be ashamed of.
- At the start of the final battles in 3, Shuten Doji observes a soldier suddenly collapse and start shivering in fear, only for his friends to come and help him regain his courage. It's a small moment, but a nice one, one that shows that even the nameless mooks are just as courageous as the named officers.
- Getting the conversation inbetween both Xiahou Dun and Date Masamune can also count. At first, Dun pretty much ridicules Masamune for his willing service to Orochi from the previous titles. By the final conversation, Dun puts aside Masamune's questionable decision and decides to watch over him just so his one eye doesn't stray. Likewise, Masamune responded favorably and for once, not really being high and mighty.
- The ending for The Shu storyline in the first game. Having finally defeated Orochi, Liu Bei who is freed at last, appears behind the fallen demon. Zhao Yun, his brothers, Zhuge Liang, Yukimura, and all the rest promptly begin dashing towards him.
- Sophitia's inclusion in WO3 Ultimate. She is taken right after the inclusion of Soul Calibur IV, in which in that game, she was Forced into Evil against her will. And if you know the game's plot, what happens next would be Sophitia sacrificing her life in order to let Pyrrha live longer. She would die while being unable to make up for her times as an Anti-Villain. In this game, she gets sucked into the dimensional rift before all those, fight bad guys and monsters threatening humanity and could experience being a honest-to-God holy warrior that protects people once again.
- Any interaction with Nene and any of Hideyoshi or her adopted 'children' in camp. Even during the apocalypse, she's still a loving wife and mother figure.
- One of the endings has Nene and Hideyoshi snuggling up for a moment. It perfectly summarizes their Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other relationship.
- In a massive case of Even Evil Has Loved Ones, some of Da Ji and Himiko's actions and statements towards each other are so caring they border on Glurge. Even though both are very regularly bad guys, they routinely go well out of their way to make sure the other is safe, up to an including Himiko's Enemy Mine with the heroes.Da Ji: Himiko, even if I should die, I want you to continue living.
- A DLC level in 3 Ultimate has the playable characters helping out several animals that had been displaced by various opponents all due to misinformation spread by Yuan Shao. When it comes time to attack Yuan Shao directly, the animals return the kindness shown to them and help kick his butt.
- To get the true endings for the third game, you have to recruit EVERY SINGLE CHARACTERS (barring the one that unlocks after the final stage). So you have to go back and forth in time to save them. What's heartwarming is that many characters, once heard that they could save another, jumped at the chance to do so, even if they're from different factions.
- Pang De, having joined Wei, recalling the demon's siege weapon store and went back to secure it so that he can send it to Yiling in order to rescue Huang Zhong, a warrior of Shu. What's even more heartwarming was why Pang De was in Yiling in the first place: He went there to help his old Xiliang comrades, and Ma Dai accepted him without doubt.
- In 3 Ultimate, it's nice that ALL members of the Coalition are willing to honor peace treaty between their individual forces. The infightings only happen because Tamamo manipulated them and every time an infighting happen, one or some characters in player-allied army tend to expeess disbelief why the opposing army apparently dishonor the peace treaty and seemingly attack them for no reason or misunderstanding. Even previously-antagonistic characters like Dong Zhuo and Masamune only fight and hold animosity toward hostile demons. Dong Zhuo got angry when Yuan Shao seemingly attacked him and mistakenly claimed Dong Zhuo attacked him first but Dong redirected his anger to Tamamo after Shennong informed him that Tamamo had manipulated him and Yuan Shao to fight each other. This means that even Dong Zhuo is willing to honor the peace treaty, even if just for survival and pragmatic reasons. Lu Bu is also fully committed to the Coalition though he's still obsessed to fight Nezha. At one point, Lu Bu even did a decoy attack to ensure the Coalition's fire attack is successful.
- Naotora and Naomasa's strong mother/son relationship carries over from their home series as they constantly support and stand up for each other. If Naomasa gets X-thousand KOs in a battle where Naotora is present, she'll declare, 'You've grown so much, Naomasa! No mother could be happier than I am right now!'
- The camp conversations in 4 shows some characters giving encouragement and guidance to one another. While some fans might find it condescending that the SW characters are giving guidance to the DW characters, it should be noted that the Japanese characters are way ahead of the Chinese characters and have already read about the Three Kingdoms history, meaning they already know the actions and fates of these people. And since they're in a world where history can't be distorted, the Japanese characters are free to give some advice to the Chinese character though they know that they can't tell them their fates due to the fear of changing history.
- After joining the coalition, Ares meets Naotora, who is the bracelet holder of Aphrodite. Since Aphrodite is Ares' lover in mythology, the latter encourages Naotora to grow the backbone because it would be an insult to his lover's memory if she lacks self-confidence. For some added hilarity, Ares checks out Naotora's body and approves that she's the worthy choice to have the Goddess of Beauty and Love in her.
- Kenshin gives a very sound advice to Guan Ping: Be Yourself. He tells him that instead of being just the son of the God of War, he should be the successor of the title by developing his skills and being his own self.
- Ina and Hayakawa wants to become friends with Lu Lingqi, who admits that she has a very lonely childhood due to traveling around with her father. And after forming a bond with them, Lingqi is very happy.
- Dian Wei, much like his side story in 3, once again takes a role of protector of the common peasants in a side stage in the fourth game. The second he heard that the civilians were under atack from demons he angrily rushed to the battlefield in order to save every one of them. And thanks to strategists Motonari Mori and Takakage Kobayakawa, he succeeds.Motonari: I can understand why this man is still so revered in our time.
- One of the DLC missions in 4 involves Daqiao training to become a better wife. While it's Played for Laughs in that the training involves beating up all of the other wives, the heartwarming moment occurs near the end when Sun Ce appears and 1. Tells her she's already the best wife there is and 2. If she insists on further improving herself, it's his duty as her husband to improve himself along with her.
- The side mission in 4, 'A Journey of Immaculate Flowers' shows Xiaoqiao telling her husband, Zhou Yu, that she's going on a secret trip. Zhou Yu is worried that something might happen to her. Then, Kojuro offers his help by having Masamune guard her while he and Zhou Yu follow her from the shadows. They encounter thieves, Hisahide and Dong Zhuo who tried to get in Xiaoqiao's way which causes Zhou Yu to do all his might to protect his wife. In the end, it turns out that Xiaoqiao is looking for a gift to give to her husband and has Masamune's help to her pick flowers. Zhou Yu is grateful for the flowers which certainly shows how much he and his wife love each other. Even Masamune himself gives something to Kojuro which he denies in a Tsundere way.
- One DLC mission in 4 has Ma Chao and Masamune doing a mission for the sake of justice. Some of these missions have them helping other people with their request such rescuing Koshosho who is being harassed by Dong Zhuo, aiding Xingcai to stop her drunk father and accepting Kanbei and Wang Yuanji's to search for Hanbei and Sima Zhao who are slacking off from their duties.
- In 4: Ultimate, Gaia comforts her grandson Zeus after it was revealed that his own brother, Hades, is responsible for the events of the entire game. By then, Zeus slowly understands that Hades resents him for being the ruler of Olympus. Regardless, he forgives him in the end.