Boonie Planet Movie Star Planet

Boonie Planet Movie Star Planet Rating: 4,7/5 9961 reviews

My kid LOVES this game but I made her quit for reasons: 1, the VIP, when I said No to letting her have the membership she threw a 5 year old fit. 2, this person messaged her saying 'wanna make some babies' obviously the person wanted sex.

TRYING OUT BLOCKSTAR PLANET AND BOONIE PLANET?! GUYYYYS IM A IDIOT I MEANT. 2019-12-13  Blog, News. MSP celebrates 1 million downloads for Boonieverse. Last Friday was a very happy day for us, here, at MSP! Our favorite adventure game, Boonieverse, has achieved an September 10th, 2014.

3, the animations can be disgusting, MY DAUGHTER GOT A TWERKING ANIMATION! 4, ppl pretending to drink and smoke in the horrible graphic chatrooms its just ugly. If u wanna let your child get highly addicted to this and traumatized because of this game then GO AHEAD. As an older sister, I don't recommend this game. You see, my little sister who is 8, plays this. I think it is NOT a safe place for children under about maybe 15. I remember when I used to play it and I quit due to all the sexual, gross content.

One day while she was playing it, I talked to my dad about why she should not play MSP. I told her to get off that game, and play something else. The outfits can be very disturbing, and actions can too. It's really stupid having to be treated like bull once you join. There is NO safety, I would recommend Animal Jam for the ages 7-13. I was spectating my child playing this game she was laughing and having fun, which I assumed was a normal thing for children to do on games. As soon as I saw this I made an account of my own.

This game has too many sexual people I was in a 'beach chatroom', I decided to lay down on one of the pretty towels that are placed on the floor. ALL OF A SUDDEN, a boy comes over and starts doing pushups on my character saying I was his 'gym mat' I was disgusted. He then started making sound such as 'mmm' I had had enough of it and quickly left the game I took the account from my daughter.

She is 16 and I don't think this game is appropriate for children this game should be for players ages 18 and up.If you're going to let your children play this game I would recommend making weekly checks to their account for safety purposes. I've been playing msp since I was 10 now I'm 16 it's just an addicting game to Express yourself. You can't really be hacked unless the password to the account is given out and even if that happens it's best to have the account hooked up to an email so if you're kid does get hack you can hurry up and reset the password.

A look so yes there are pervs but there are pervs on any game you go on nowadays because people can easily lie about their age. Parents just need to sit down with their kids and talk to them about how to know if someone uhhh s bad. Also it would also be a good idea to monitor their messages at least till their around 16. Yes people find loop holes to say certain words but what do u expect some teens play the games. My granddaughter got hacked on this site and lost hundreds of diamonds star coins I bought her on a 3 day Easter special that was supposed to include 1 year VIP status to start when her current year ran out. She did not get any of the things I paid for because as soon as she received her diamonds somebody was able to hack into her account with a 30 character alpha numeric upper and lower case password.

Customer service with them is an insult and bad joke. They asked me 3 times to send them the receipt, which I did initially and was still in the email trail. Then they found their own receipt emailed from them to me unacceptable and asked for a bank statement. I finally sent a picture with my account number blacked out because I really think this hacking originates from inside their organization. How else did someone know she had just received hundreds of diamonds and star coins?

They were depleted within minutes while she did password changes 5 times. Each time she got booted out of the site and I could see someone using her account because I was logged on as another user.

All their responses are canned to deny, belittle the user, and avoid any responsibility. They insist it is impossible for users to get hacked, yet there are hundreds who report so. They insisted my granddaughter gave her password to someone, which never happened.

Then they said the 5 item Easter special package didn't include VIP status, which it did, but 3 months later when it was supposed to kick in was impossible to prove. Much of the content is age inappropriate and preys on the worse insecurities and fears of pre-teens. It's a terrible way to run a business taking advantage of young children and refusing to address the serious issues with their site. This game should be shut down. My daughter used to play this game until i read her chats and found that she was being cyber-bullied. Some of the stuff they were saying to her upset me let alone her.

She was told not to say anything to us or they would get her. She blocked them to find the following day that her account had been suspended. I contacted the company myself and found them to show no concern for the situation whatsoever. Please do not allow your children to get involved with this game.

Started playing the game when i was 17. Left because, i got a little older and, felt like i was too old for the game. But, people need to be careful letting their children play on this website unsupervised.

Boonie Planet Movie Star Planet

There's been reports of people at the ages of 40 and 50 using MovieStarPlanet to date children. If your child is online, and, they come across someone who says they're in their 40's or 50's, please tell them to NOTIFY you.

Also there's been reports of hacking on the website. There's been hackers who are known for hacking into people's computer's, shutting them down, and, cutting the wifi and, changing the screen savers. If your child gets booted off their account and, their status says: 'Hacked!' You've been warned!'

With a devil emoji ((d)), Tell an admin. Also, the community on MSP is bad. Once again, there's more than just kids who play the game. There's even young adults (Who are around my age)(15-19) who also play MSP and, use it to harass people and, 'Troll'.

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Once again, this is just MY experience with the website. I've played MSP for quite a long time (by the way, I am 15.) and as I have continued playing it sort of shocked me how the game is directed for young kids.The clothes are very mature and tramp-y. There are short skirts, dresses and even bras that you are allowed to wear.Some users act very sexual. They ask for sex, cuss, twerk, and do other inappropriate acts like that.There is a slight risk of getting hacked. This isn't much of a problem, considering that the only way you can really get hacked is if you share your password.Overall I recommend this to ages 14 and up.

If you really want to have your child/children to play this game go ahead. But just to tell you there is some inappropriate content on the website. If you really think online dating isn't bad that is your opinion but for most parents opinions it's bad. On this game you actually online date people. Which I'm concerned how that isn't against a rule on this website to get banned for. Now on most children websites you can actually get punished with a ban for online dating.

Tell me how this isn't against their website rules. Another thing. I feel like some kids play this so much they need the purchases of VIP and starcoins every day. Which for parents to take out of their pockets is expensive. Because you can have one week of normal VIP on this website and then figure out a week later it expires. Once it expires you can only get 10 star coins a day from doing small quest. Or also making a movie.

But if you don't have VIP or are popular nobody normally watches your movie. Which makes you buy VIP again for your child for more coins and to get one free club. Which who would want only two things on the website coins to buy stuff for your character and a club I know there's a few other things such as diamonds which is another currency to buy stuff such as clothes, anmations, and stuff in the diamond shop but that isn't much. So my review is that this website is 2 stars. To start off I started playing MSP back in 2011. It looked soo much fun and it was. It was lively and everyone talked in chatrooms.

I’ve seen reviews about sexual stuff and what not and you don’t really know if these people are messing with you or being serious. I didn’t really go through anything major because I was always on and off and then off for a couple years but then started coming back now and then.

As of February 2020 I would recommend this game to either 16-17+ year olds now. For you parents many many players that grew up playing this game are older and have decided to play this game for nostalgia or for other reasons not including being predators I hope not. The game is really toxic when it can be. There’s racist players, homophobes, trolls, people who scam others with trades/accounts.

For example they’ll offer a nice pixel shirt thats one of the most expensive clothes in the game, you offer them something in return and they’ll accept whatever it is you offer back. What people don’t understand is that when you go first by sending the clothing before they do you WILL 85% get scammed.

They’ll give you something else different from what they were originally going to give. You can’t swear in the game since the msp devs basically made so you can’t but players have been getting past that like say they wanted to say “ass” instead they’d get “###” because it’s a blocked word but what they do is “15xaxxsxs” that way people get what they’re saying.

Honestly it’s a waste of time typing all that but there are young kids that do, this as well as older players. A part of me thinks that msp should push towards older people with some sort of different option or mode or something but idk maybe MSP 2 will have something. I know this was longer then it should have been but I hope this still helps.-Sincerely a retired active msp player ^^. My 8 year old daughter, started playing this game a couple of months ago. She was inspired to create a MovieStarPlanet account by other YouTubers as they were having 'Great fun' my daughter took my credit card after the second day of playing this game and bought a year of vip without my permission.

I was really disappointed in her until I went through her messages and found out people have been bullying her for not having vip and looking ugly. This guy threatened to come to her house and murder her because of her look! Also I found a few guys asking to have sex and make babies with her.

My daughter was decorating her room when one guy walked in dressed in pants and inapropriate clothing saying, 'lie on the floor' and she obviously didn't know what he was doing to her so she told me about it after the vip. I would definitely not recommend this game for young children maybe mid-teens.

Throughout this game there are alot of problemsglitches and many other terrible things that msp allows users to do. Meaning that the game should be alot more stricter to stop these behaviors from users happening continuously and destroying the game. Pedophilia, Sexual Behavior, Bullying, Scamming And Abuse which should.(NOT BE ALLOWED OR TOLERATED ON A SO CALLED KIDS SAFE GAME MSP!AT ALL!) i HIGHLY advise you to not let your kids on this game as there are (No Strong Strict Rules) Or.(Safety). That has been put in place to keep your kids safe!.(STAY AWAY!). I am thoroughly disgusted with this site! My daughter asked if she could play, and I said yes. Of course, it looks innocent!

My daughter is 9 years old. Anyways, she got her account, and I had her password. I then logged onto her account, and let her play.

A week passed, and I decided to look onto her account. I opened her messages, and saw that guys were trying to message her gross things, and people kept asking over and over to date and have “sex” with her. I was disgusted! Thankfully, my daughter was just confused, and ignored it. I got onto the chat rooms, and noticed that there was bullying, harassment, people pretend to be smoking, drinking, etc.

And, people got through the chat filter, and were cursing! There was even a “couple” that were having “sex” in public! I decided to change her password, and contacted the staff immediately! They didn’t do anything. I strongly enforce that you shouldn’t let your kid play this!

. MovieStarPlanet. 870292. 73Mb.

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Our download manager manages the download of AppKiwi and distributes the original unmodified software obtained directly from AppKiwi's.Before the installation of AppKiwi you will be offered optional software and search related features which you may decline to install. You can easily uninstall optional software by following these.MovieStarPlanet is the THE place where you can become rich and famous and get lots of friends!.Become a Movie Star today! Go crazy with OUTRAGEOUS outfits, create AWESOME movies and stay in touch with all your friends! You can even make NEW friends!.MovieStarPlanet offers you the freedom to be WHO YOU WANT TO BE! Just create an avatar and start climbing the ladder to STARDOM! Meet new friends, chat, go shopping, watch the best Youtube videos and play games.Let your creative side loose and design your own clothes and create amazing art.Come and meet our Boonies, the cutest pets you’ve ever seen!

They need your constant care and attention, so make sure you log in daily to check up on them!There are tons of fun waiting for you on MovieStarPlanet! However, we take SAFETY very SERIOUS and we make sure to keep MovieStarPlanet a place where parents can trust their young ones to hang out.With regular updates there is always something new to do on MovieStarPlanet.To list just a few of the fun and cool things you can do on MovieStarPlanet:- Make new FRIENDS and CHAT in cool chatrooms- Decorate your own room- Take care of your own pet- Create Looks, Artbooks & Movies- Design your own clothes- Watch YouTube Videos- Play gamesWhat are you waiting for?

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