Bubble Blaze Technique

2018-11-1 Useful techniques for Blaze which are not explained in-game. Other Lethal League Blaze Guides: All Unlocks. Beginner's Guide. Speed Scaling. Candyman Guide. Secret Taunt Costumes. How to Unlock the Grand Slam Achievement. Intro Lethal League Blaze has a ton of.
Pop bubbles, solve puzzles, collect treasure and rescue the stolen Dragon Eggs!Ready, aim, fire! TXLSLady, Just OkOutplay makes some of the best bubble/match games. This isn't one of them. Little glitchy when you shoot. Doesn't go where it's supposed to, even if you have it lined up perfectly.
Costs 30 coins to continue a level if you miss. Their other games are 8 or 9 coins. Makes me not want to spend money on the game. Also takes much longer to regenerate lives.
Twice as much as some of their other games. If you want to match 3 or shoot bubbles, get their other games.
They're a total five. DragonofEmry, Fun Gameplay, but BrokenI love the strategy aspect of this game and the animation is adorable.
Nanostray 2 is the follow up to Shin'en's shoot'em up, Nanostray. Shippin' Out March 9-14: Smash Bros. Brawl, Condemned 2. Nintendo's delayed brawler finally arrives alongside Sega's atmospheric. Nanostray 2 is a sequel to the DS shoot-em-up Nanostray released in 2005. It features improvements over it's prequel such as a new weapon system, enhanced touch controls, and unlockable minigames. It is developed by Shin'en Multimedia. Nanostray 2 for DS game reviews & Metacritic score: Configure your own powerful weapons and master over 30 challenges to unlock more action. Discover beautiful worlds and frightening bosses in the most intense s. Nanostray 2 纳米漂移2 Nanostray 2 平 台: NDS 开发商: Shinen 类 型: 射击类 设为首页 我要订阅 收藏该页 总 览 资 讯 下 载 攻 略 点 评 视 频 图 片 系 列 游戏下载 按时间排序 按推荐度排序.
The game is the perfect mix of frustration and fun. However, the game crashes frequently when I make big moves. The crash normally happens when I pop a bubble that results in most of a row being popped and creating a large 'jewel shower.' It doesn't matter whether or not you buy helps- the game crashes either way.
I didn't have any issue with levels lower than 131. Developer Response,Hi,I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with Bubble Blaze.Please contact us at the following link and we will do our best to help.Regards,Outplay Support.
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You know that 'Heart' tends to be a sucky power, right? Well, that's pretty hefty compared to bubbles!
In video games, bubble-based weapons tend to be a Joke Item — slow, inaccurate and laughably non-lethal. But sometimes they manage to be a useful Nerf Arm.
Enemies hit by a bubble weapon sometimes find themselves Floating in a Bubble.
Compare Water Guns and Balloons.
- One of Babbo's first transformations in MÄR turns him into a bubble gun, which fires bubbles shaped like his normal form's head. The bubbles look harmless but are actually bombs.
- Nagisa Momoe wields a trumpet that can fire a stream of bubbles. The lethality of these bubbles is clear from the effect it has on Homura's barrier, and by wearing her Bebe face, she can exhale a literal storm of them with incredible force.
- The Bubble card in Cardcaptor Sakura, which turned out to have been created only so Clow could, uhh.. give Kero's big form a bath.
- Bubbles in Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z uses a huge bubble rod as her main weapon. When Him got his hands on the girls' weapons in one episode, he proceeded to use them much more efficiently..
- Not to say Bubbles herself didn't use it efficiently. While it did have a basic spray attack (useful for covering a wide area), it also had capture bubbles,rescue bubbles, missile reflection bubbles, constricting bubbles, electro-bubbles, 100 ton bubbles, and healing bubbles. The sheer variety of moves and the power and area spread behind a lot of them made her arguably the most powerful of the PPGZ.
- Caesar Zeppeli from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has an attack where he infuses soap bubbles with Hamon and launches them at his enemy.
- In Part 4, the cat turned into plant Stray Cat can control surrounding air to create bubbles that have a variety of uses, from cuffing a body and suspending it in the air, to tearing out a person's toenail. Yoshikage Kira finds a use for Stray Cat by combining this with his Stand Killer Queen's Primary Bomb, allowing him to launch out and control explosive air bubbles.
- The stand Soft & Wet from Part 8 also utilizes bubbles. It can use soap bubbles to 'steal' small objects or properties of a target temporarily until the bubble pops and whatever was inside is returned.
- The Hunting Grounds in Kimba the White Lion has stationary turrets that shoot out small bubbles that trap their target inside a giant bubble. Why bubbles instead of bullets? So the animals in the Hunting Grounds won't be killed by the turrets when they're supposed to be killed by paying hunters.
- In Naruto, Utakata, jinchuuriki of the six-tailed beast, uses bubble-related jutsus. They're relatively potent, particularly in his filler arc, but they can't save him from Pain.
- Sailor Moon: Since Sailor Mercury's Shabon/Bubble Spray was nothing more than a blast of mildly annoying bubbles (filled with fog!), she preferred to be Mission Control until she got a power upgrade.
- In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, this is Bubbleman's power-up.
- In the Digimon franchise, Baby and In-Training Digimon usually have the fairly useless Bubble Blow technique. (Usually; there are a few exceptions.) However, if you get an entire city's In-Training population to do it at once, you can do some (hilarious) damage, as seen once in Digimon Frontier.
- The Pokémon naturally conveys the games series respective attacks such as Bubble and Bubblebeam (see below). Depending on the user however, they can be much more powerful than the standard. Ash's Squirtle had a Bubblebeam powerful enough to one-hit-KO a Machamp, while Lana's Popplio can create large and durable enough bubbles to base a whole battle style around it, able to stop attacks and even trap whole Pokemon in them.

- The Marvel Comics villain Madcap uses a gun that shoots bubbles. People think this is how he is able to induce madness in people, but in reality, it is only to attract attention to himself in general and the gun in particular, so he can use his innate power of making you as loony as him.
- The indie comic book The Jam had a peculiar weapon made from a trumpet by a Mad Scientist—when you blew into it, it created a big bubble around the target. Scarier than it sounds, as the bubble was harder than steel and airtight.
- An issue of Gold Digger had Gina using a force field bubble gun as a new non-lethal weapon. It traps its target inside a floating bubble.
- Marvin's weapon in the climax of Looney Tunes: Back in Action.
- In The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, Spongebob/Invincibubble shoots, well, bubbles.
- Yellow Submarine - the Blue Meanies' opening volley in their attack of Pepperland lands a huge dark impenetrable bubble over the band playing on the bandstand.
- In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos uses the power of the Reality Stone to turn Star-Lord's blaster into this when Star-Lord tries to kill Gamora to keep Thanos from taking her on Knowhere.
- One of Michael Moorcock's Hawkmoon novels had the Granbretanian bad guys using a bubble cannon. The bubbles were so corrosive they would dissolve anything they landed on. Fortunately for the good guys, the machine blew up after only a short time, killing one of the villains in the process.
- Paul Gallico (better known as the author of The Poseidon Adventure) wrote a novel titled The Boy Who Invented The Bubble Gun.
- A 1997 pilot called Things That Go Bump, which concerned a paranormal division of the New Orleans Police Department, featured such a weapon. It worked like a rocket-propelled grenade launcher; when the shell exploded, it could contain a ghost. In its first appearance, it misfired, and the shell gave a nearby car a bright yellow paint-job!
- In Yu-Gi-Oh!, there is an equip card exclusive to Bubbleman called Bubble Blaster.
- Warhammer 40,000's Orks have the Bubble Chukka Speedster among their many crazy cobbled-together super weapons, although it has so far only appeared in the Epic 40,000 spin-off game. The weapon on the speedster used to fire giant self-contained force-field bubbles at enemy troops, trapping them inside for a time and causing any shots fired from within the bubble to bounce round inside it and probably hit the firer on the rebound. The current version just fire the bubbles directly to extremely unpredictable results; all that's certain is that the big, fast ones strike a little like styrofoam, while the tiny ones that float like soap bubbles will pop upon touching you and strike like Gork (or Mork) himself had slapped you across the face.
- In The Golden Ticket, the opera adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Television-Chocolate setup is replaced with 'Bubblevision', in which colored beams of light are used to create and send giant bubbles that can surround and transport objects to television screens — albeit at a reduced, 'demagnified' size. Mike Teavee is intrigued by the prospect of not just floating, but living in one of these bubbles, and wackiness ensues.
- This is the main 'weapon' in Milon's Secret Castle. For more annoyances, they shoot at an angle and don't have that long a range!
- In its Japan-only sequel Do Re Mi Fantasy, Milon's bubble weapon shot in a straight line from the player and traps any enemy in a bubble upon contact, which fly up and off the screen when the player touches them. This is especially useful during certain boss battles where the boss stays on the upper side of the screen and throws projectiles at you, which you can trap in the bubbles and bounce back at him.
- Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly makes the main goal of the game to catch dragonflies with bubble breath. Awkward, short-ranged bubble breath, against dragonflies that are flying away from you, and moving pretty fast.
- Bubble Bobble stars two dragon critters who spit/blow bubbles to trap enemy critters.
- In The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, the first ranged attack you can get is one where you (in Deku Scrub form) shoot bubbles out of your mouth/nose/whatever. Incredibly weak and able to stun none but the weakest of enemies, it's primarily used to pop balloons before you get arrows.
- In the Game Boy Advance version of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, you could buy a version of the blaster that shot bubbles instead of lasers. Of course, you could also buy ones that threw eggs and chickens.
- One Powerup Letdown in Earthworm Jim is a gun that only 'shoots' bubbles. Emphasis on the quotes, as the bubbles don't even go forward. Because the Genesis version didn't allow weapon switching, picking up the bubble gun in the final stage will completely screw you sideways.
- When playing with a three-button controller, at least.
- Mega Man 2 has the Bubble Lead, which seems like one of the more useless weapons you get, until you realize you need it to beat the last boss.
- Bob and George hypothesizes that the Bubble Lead actually does its damage because it induces lead poisoning.
- For those wondering, the 'Lead' in Bubble Lead has nothing to do with the heavy metal, but with the 'lead' that rhymes with 'feed'; a phonetic translation from Japanese to English reads baburu riido (バブル・リード). Literally translated, 'Bubble Reeds' or 'Bubble Leash'. If it were named after the metal, the phonetic translation would have been baburu reddo (バブル・レッド).
- Mega Man X2 had the Bubble Splash, which fires a stream of little bubbles that arc upwards, and its Charged Attack is the series' standard 'orbiting shield', which allows X to jump even higher underwater than he can normally.
- Mega Man Battle Network features this weapon and it is largely laughable.. up until the point you get hit. The attack is normally unimpressive, slow, easily dissipated and low in damage. However, when it DOES hit, it traps the target, allowing a follow up attack on the hapless target. To top it off, it DOUBLES the damage of electric attacks so you can intentionally set up a bubble starfish so that you can follow up with an Elecpulse.
- It also features a series of water-elemental gun chips that use bubbles (Bubbler, BubCross, etc) which despite their frothy appearance are no less effective than their more conventional counterparts.
- Bubble Lead is also useful to get those pesky sproingy things (who are immune to most other types of weapons) out of the way.
- And, since it hugs the floor, it can be used to scope out the invisible pitfalls in Wily's Castle.
- Mega Man 7 features the Danger Wrap, an attack that encases enemies in bubbles that have bombs in them, which then explode, damaging the victim. Holding down will skip the bubble part entirely, just dropping bomb.
- Similarly, Mega Man V for the Game Boy has the Bubble Bomb, which sends an exploding bubble drifting upward, similar to the Danger Wrap; it's actually a handy anti-aerial weapon that's quite powerful and has a wide explosion radius.
- Mega Man Megamix rationalizes the weapon as electromagnetically-strengthened bubbles infused with sulfuric acid, which further strengthens it both in damage potential and tensile strength (meaning they would persist until it hit a target).
- The fangame Mega Man Rock Force has this in limited circumstances in its latest version, where it's possible to play as a member of the Rock Force once you rescue them. Fire Man's normal weapon is the Fire Storm, and out of water, it does what you think it would. In the water, however, it instead shoots out a stream of bubbles. Superheated bubbles, it turns out; they float generally upward and damage anything they touch.
- Bob and George hypothesizes that the Bubble Lead actually does its damage because it induces lead poisoning.
- A recurring element in Studio Pixel's works:
- The Bubbler in Cave Story is something of a Lethal Joke Weapon. At level 1, it's a useless pistol that slowly spits out sluggish low-range projectiles that do Scratch Damage. At level 2 it earns automatic fire and double damage, which is fairly okay. But if you get it up to level 3, it can be very effective if you know what you're doing with it: it spews out a protective bubble 'cloud', and when the bubbles pop they turn into 'shrapnel' and fly forward ('forward' meaning the direction you're aiming). Holding the fire button lets each bubble pop on its own, but releasing the fire button causes your whole 'cloud' to pop immediately; a full barrage of this deals considerable damage. This is so effective that to keep it from being too much of a Game-Breaker, it was given limited ammo that regenerates over time.
- Kero Blaster, the Spiritual Successor to Cave Story, also has a bubble gun, though it works differently. It fires bouncing projectiles that float in water. Upgrading it doesn't change its behavior much, though the shot speed and rate of fire go up drastically. Though there is no protective cloud of bubbles, firing its fully upgraded version straight up in the air can give a similar effect as it creates barriers of bouncing bubbles on both sides of the protagonist. Because of the way the projectiles bounce off walls (and, in the same way, off the protagonist) and have a fairly long lifespan before dissipating if they don't hit an enemy, it can be very deadly in tight spaces as the area becomes saturated with bubbles; it can be less about hitting the enemy and more about laying down a bunch of bubbles where the enemy is going to be.
- Monster Hunter Generations introduces the Leviathan monster Mizutsune. Its deceptively lethal attacks typically involve bubbles in some way, be it by blowing damaging bubbles at players, placing bubble 'landmines', sliding around on its' own suds, etc.
- Weapons in Kingdom of Loathing can be crafted from Bubblewrap ore, among other things.
- The bubblewrap crossbow subverts this: 'It shoots individual bubbles, which will make your enemies' fingers sore. Eventually. It also shoots regular bolts, in case you want to use it as a regular crossbow. It's probably more effective that way.'
- There is a small case of this in Yoshi's Island with Crazee Dayzees that attack you with bubbles which do no damage, though you can bounce quite high if you jump off of them.
- On the other hand, bubbles shot from these fellows (and especially their Amazee cousins) are quite painful in the Paper Mario series.
- The Pokémon series has the Water-type Bubble and Bubblebeam attacks, both of which have a chance of reducing Speed. Even though the latter's around three times as powerful as the former, it's still a middling attack at best (and the former's pretty much useless after the first Gym).
- In Kirby: Squeak Squad, Kirby can gain the Bubble Kirby ability that lets him shoot a constant stream of bubbles, or one large bubble if you charge it. It can turn enemies into ability bubbles that can be stored for later use and is surprisingly effective for boss fights due to the range and power of the charged bubbles.
- La Tale has this with the very first water spell, named Bubble Bubble.
- The World Ends with You's frog Noise use this attack. Certain versions include poison bubbles in each cloud, which deal greater damage. While a simple slash is enough to destroy the bubbles, it's very easy to get decked by them. Not to mention that you're usually fighting more than one at a time, and those bubbles linger.
- In Ninja Spirit, maxing out the katana's power turns it into a bubble-lightsaber.
- In Star Control, the Androsynth spaceships uses acid bubbles as their main weapon. Bubbles have little damage, but are slowly homing at the enemy while bouncing around chaotically, which makes them effectively bigger for the purpose of hitting a ship than for being shot at. Good at making defensive clouds, slowly whittling down pursuers or softening up a foe before using the ship's other ability.
- The SEGA Genesis Ghostbusters game also featured a Bubble Projectile, which carted unruly ghosts off to wherever they came from. Sometimes it didn't work..
- In Tales of Legendia, Norma's sole physical attack is blowing bubbles at enemies through her straw. Needless to say, it's best to keep her casting spells at all times.
- Custom Robo has one of these. Its bubbles move slowly and are not particularly powerful, but it has respectable homing abilities. Its main benefit is producing good-sized projectiles at a decent rate of fire, meaning it can quickly clutter up smaller arenas and keep the pressure on an opponent.
- Resistance: Fall of Man has one of these. It kinda fires bubbles..organic bubbles. That explode.
- The Unreal Tournament mod Unreal4Ever has a Bubble Gun.
- In Tail Concerto, Waffle Ryebread pilots a small mecha that shoots bubbles.. to capture little kitten bandits. In the final stage, The Police Robo absorbs energy from the stage itself and shoots Laser Beams.
- Terraria:
- Actually a magic weapon in this game. It's also extremely powerful and fires very rapidly, but has short range.
- The Xenopopper, found as a random drop from the Martian Madness event, it creates a bubble that (after a short delay) pops to reveal a shotgun spread of projectiles which will converge at your mouse cursor, making it one of the most accurate (albeit mechanically unusual) weapons in the game, with or without the homing Chlorophyte Bullets.
- Duke Fishron uses homing bubbles as an attack.
- 1.3 adds the Toxikarp, a ranged weapon that fires poison bubbles that float upwards and doesn't require any ammo.
- Bubble Tanks. Everything is made of bubbles in this game- your character, the Mooks, the Experience Points, and of course, your tank shoots out harmful bubbles to damage the enemy!
- Several of Patchouli's Water Sign spells in the Touhou fighting games utilize bubbles. Some are large projectiles which doubles as shields that can soak up a lot of the enemy's projectiles, while others can trap enemies in a giant bubble if they connect.
- Kimmy Howell, an optional boss in No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, wields a double-sided beam katana that emits a flood of pretty bubbles when she spins it. Unlike most examples, however, they explode with surprising force and cannot be blocked. The best defense is simply to get out of Dodge.
- In Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Aqua's starting Shotlock, Bubble Blaster, is her only water based attack.
- In Kingdom Hearts 3D, the entirety of the Tatsu Steed dream eater's arsenal consists of bubbles. It has a bubble spray, bubble bullets, bubble mortar, bubble shield and bubble mines, all of which pack a punch (Though especially the mortar and mines). The Tatsu Blaze has FIRE Bubbles! Tatsu Steed also has Aqua's Bubble Blaster attack, with the Tatsu Blaze having a variation called Fire Blaster. To preform it, Sora rides on their back and bonks their heads, causing the bubbles to pop out.
- In Zombies Ate My Neighbors, the Martian bubble gun simply traps most enemies in a bubble for a few seconds. However, it's one of the few weapons that will kill giant ants in one hit.
- Just Cause 2 has the bubble gun, found in a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere. does absolutely no damage to enemies but on the plus side it doubles the machine gun ammo you can carry. On the down side, using it is just as much against the law as any other actually lethal gun
- Donald Duck in Quackshot uses a revolver that fires plungers, popcorn or bubblegum ammunition. The bubblegum, when fired, results in a slow-moving projectile that oscillates when in flight. Marginally useful since it can travel through walls, and in the case of the Transylvania level, delete false bricks that the bubbles pass through. Also, it may be the game's first lethal weapon, capable of taking out bad guys instead of merely incapacitating them.
- Angry Birds makes this of great use to and against you: Stella can put anything Floating in a Bubble, and what goes up must come down! Meanwhile, bubble blowers are obstacles that will leave your bird Floating in a Bubble instead of hitting the target if you time your shot wrong.
- In Rivals of Aether, Orcane uses streams of bubbles in his down special and forward aerial. They aren't that powerful and deal almost no knockback, but they can trap opponents in hitstun with their large numbers and wide spread, leaving them wide open to attacks.
- Mermaids in the Shantae series uses surprisingly damaging bubbles for their long-range attack. Shantae herself gets the ability to shoot these rapid-fire while fighting underwater in Mermaid form. Nega-Shantae one-ups her in this department as she could fire these in Mermaid form at an even faster rate in every direction while out of water for That One Attack.
- This is Wart's weapon of choice in Super Mario Bros. 2, flying outward then dropping rapidly. The character has to weave between where they fall to avoid getting struck.
- One of the Zoogs in Iggle Pop!is some sort of Bubble Gun, as it shoots bubbles from its snout. It is actually quite dangerous, as the bubbles can trap Iggles , disrupting the Iggle chain and disorienting all the Iggles behind. Also, if a bubble touches the player character, it becomes trapped as well and loses a life.
- Beyond the Canopy: The uselessness is subverted with The Caped Crustacean in page 111.
- Neopets has the Bubble Blower ability and the Bubble Gun.
- Dreamscape: Keedran, in her true form, can shoot a stream of golden bubbles.
- Spongebob Squarepants - The Dirty Bubble IS a bubble - who can laugh menacingly, he talks like Paul Lynde and..well, he IS dangerous, really!
- Filmation's Ghostbusters was fond of this, as variations appeared throughout the series.
- The Bubble Blaster, a seldom-seen weapon, could trap ghosts in bubbles.
- Sleepytime Bubbles could engulf people a la Rover and put them to sleep.
- The second Superhero Episode of Jimmy Two-Shoes had Heloise become Trouble Bubble Girl. Jimmy and Beezy laugh at this until Heloise shows how effective they can be.
- The Wartmongers had this type of weapon in The Smurfs.
- In My Little Pony 'n Friends, Fizzy's power as a unicorn is limited to bubbles. However, it turns out Heart Is an Awesome Power: she can give you an air bubble for underwater travel, or levitate things Floating in a Bubble. It came in much handier than it should have.
- In an non-ironic usage, Pistol Shrimp have been known to use cavitation bubbles to blind, stun, kill, and cook prey (UNDERWATER!), as well as break aquarium glass.